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Battlefield 4 Punishment System

Published by Bob on May 24, 2021 at 12:00 am.


To allow for transparency with regards to punishments throughout our Battlefield 4 network, we have implemented a streamlined punishment system for all our global and game specific rules.

Each rule covered in this document and has; a rule reference, the type(s) of punishment that occurs, the reason that should accompany the punishment, and any additional information that may be deemed necessary for transparency.

Battlefield 4 Rules & Server Specific Rules Punishments

For users who violate the Battlefield 4 rules and server specific rules, we use the /punish system. This allows us to easily moderate users on our entire BF4 network and combine infractions accumulated across it.

Every time a user violates one of those rules, the in-game admin will issue the /punish command against them. This will add 1 infraction point against the user. These infraction points add up over time with increasing severity of punishments. On the flip side, infraction points are deducted over time as users adhere to the server rules. An infraction point is deducted 4 weeks after the user’s last punishment and 2 weeks between each deduction of infraction points.

If the user refuses to adhere to an admins decision with regard to punishment, the user may be punished again e.g. the admin issued a prior verbal warning or previous /punish command, the admin is entitled to issue another /punish against the user. However, the admin must give sufficient time (2 minutes) for you to comply and understand what you have done wrong. If the user does not understand why an admin has punished them, they can politely ask the admin to explain the server’s rules and the punished infraction, so the same mistakes can be avoided in the future.

Admins must reference the rule that has been violated as the reason in the punishment command. E.g. /punish user baserape, /punish user redzone camping, /punish user vehicle stealing etc… Deviations from this are not acceptable and admin leadership advises corrections.

Example 1
User1 already has an infraction point for base raping 2 weeks ago. User1 is now camping in the redzone with AA.
Admin issues /punish User1 Redzone Camping.
User1 is punished and now has a total of 2 infraction points and the system issues a warning.
User1 does not leave the redzone and 2 minutes have elapsed since system warning. User 1 has not attempted to communicate with the admin.
Admin issues /punish User1 Redzone Camping again due to User1 continuing to camp in the redzone.
User1 now has a total of 3 infraction points and gets killed by an automated admin kill command from the punishment system.
User1 then complies and no longer camps in the redzone.

Example 2
User2 is on a total of 11 infraction points from previous offences. User1 reports user2 for jet ramming with accompanying evidence.
Admin receives and reviews the report and issues the following command: /punish User2 Jet ramming.
User2 is punished and now has a total of 12 infraction points and the punishment system issues the corresponding 1 day temporary ban on user2.

Table showing the correlation between infraction points and punishment issued

Number of Infraction Point(s)Punishment
1Admin Kill
2Kicked from the Server
3Admin Kill
4Temporary Ban for 1 hour
5Admin Kill
6Kicked from the Server
7Temporary Ban for 1 day
8Admin Kill
9Kicked from the Server
10Temporary Ban for 3 days
11Kicked from the Server
12Temporary Ban for 1 week
13Kicked from the Server
14Temporary Ban for 2 weeks
15Kicked from the Server
16Permanent Ban

Global Rules Punishments

For users who violate the global rules, we specify the individual punishments for each rule. This allows us to easily moderate users on our entire network and issues punishments according to our policy.

Depending on the severity of a violation that occurs, Area51 reserves the right to issue action against a user on the entire Area51 network in parallel with the platform punishment.

Sect.1 – Use of Third Party Software & Macroing
If a user has been found to be using third party software or macroing as defined in sect.1, the user will be permanently banned from that platform. A user can appeal this ban once. Those who demonstrate that they knowingly used such tools or strong evidence is presented for review, the appeal will not be approved.

/ban user Hacking

Sect.2 – Bug & Glitch Abuse

If a user has been found to be exploiting bugs or glitches as defined in sect.2, the user will be permanently banned from that platform. A user can appeal this ban once. Those who demonstrate that they knowingly used such tools or strong evidence is presented for review, the appeal will not be approved.

/ban user Bug abuse | /ban user Glitch abuse

Sect.3 – Real World Trading (RWT)

If a user has been found to be real word trading as defined in sect.3, the user will be permanently banned from that platform. A user can appeal this ban once. Those who demonstrate that they knowingly engaged in RWT activities or strong evidence is presented for review, the appeal will not be approved.

/ban user Real World Trading

Sect.4 – Multiple Accounts/Users

If a user has been found to be using multiple accounts against our policy as defined in sect.4, the user and all their associated accounts will be permanently banned from that platform. If multiple people live at the same address and are banned due to the association, then they may appeal the ban. However, you must provide sufficient proof of separate account ownership to aid in the appeal of the ban.

Any use of an account being used by multiple people, including temporary use by guests, is the sole responsibility of the account owner. Any punishments will still apply if another user of the account files an appeal citing multiple users as the main part of their case.

/ban user Multiple Account Abuse | /ban user Ban Evasion | /ban user Linked Account

Sect.5 – Inappropriate Language or Abusive Behaviour

If a user has been found to be using inappropriate language or abusive behaviour as defined in sect.5, the user will be punished according to the 3 strike system (shown below) on that platform. A user can appeal these punishments.

The admin must use their judgement and the context of the situation in deciding if this rule has been violated. If the decision is that the rule has been violated, the following punishment structure applies.

First offence (1 day ban): /tban 1d user Inappropriate Language/Abusive Behaviour
Second offence (2 week ban): /tban 2w user Inappropriate Language/Abusive Behaviour
Third offence (Permanent ban): /ban user Inappropriate Language/Abusive Behaviour

Alternative ban reasoning may be used, such as Inappropriate Language – Racism. This will provide additional context to the user.

Sect.6 – Inappropriate Profiles

If a user has been found to be using inappropriate profiles as defined in sect.6, the user will be permanently banned on that platform. A user can appeal their first offence only, any future inappropriate profile ban appeals will be denied. If a user appeals the ban within 24 hours of the punishment being issued and is approved. The permanent ban will be changed to a 1 day temporary ban from the time the punishment was issued.

The admin must use their judgement and the context of the situation in deciding if this rule has been violated. If the decision is that the rule has been violated, the following punishment structure applies.

First offence (Permanent ban – Appealable): /ban user Inappropriate Profile – {profile violation}
Second offence (Permanent ban – Non-Appealable): /ban user Inappropriate Profile – {profile violation} [Non-Appealable]

Profile violation refers to the part of a user’s profile that violates this rule. E.g. emblem, clan tags, usernames, etc… and should be replaced in the ban reasoning.

Sect.7 – Inciting Arguments

If a user has been found to be inciting arguments as defined in sect.7, the user will be punished according to the 5 strike system (shown below) on that platform. A user can appeal these punishments.

The admin must use their judgement and the context of the situation in deciding if this rule has been violated. If the decision is that the rule has been violated, the following punishment structure applies.

First offence (mute): /mute user Inciting Arguments
Second offence (1 day ban): /tban 1d user Inciting Arguments
Third offence (3 day ban): /tban 3d user Inciting Arguments
Fourth offence (2 week ban): /tban 2w user Inciting Arguments
Fifth offence (Permanent ban): /ban user Inciting Arguments

Alternative ban reasonings may be used, such as Inciting Arguments – Aggravating other users. This will provide additional context to the user.

Sect.8 – Personal Identifiable Information

If a user has been found to be violating the personal identifiable information rule as defined in sect.8, the user will be permanently banned from that platform. A user can appeal this ban once, those who demonstrate that they knowingly distributed PII or strong evidence is presented for review, the appeal will not be approved.

/ban user PII

Sect.9 – Advertising Other Sites or Communities

If a user has been found to be advertising other sites or communities as defined in sect.9, the user will be punished according to the 3 strike system (shown below) on that platform. A user can appeal these punishments.

The admin must use their judgement and the context of the situation in deciding if this rule has been violated. If the decision is that the rule has been violated, the following punishment structure applies.

First offence (mute): /mute user Do not advertise other sites/communities
Second offence (2 week ban): /tban 2w user Do not advertise other sites/communities
Third offence (Permanent ban): /ban user Do not advertise other sites/communities

Sect.10 – Misuse of Area51’s Tools

If a user has been found to be misusing Area51’s tools as defined in sect.10, the user will be warned accordingly.

The admin must use their judgement and the context of the situation in deciding if this rule has been violated. If the decision is that the rule has been violated and goes beyond fair use, the admin should give an official warning to the user instructing them to refrain from abusing the tool.

If the user does continue to abuse a tool e.g. report tool. Then the admin should inform leadership, who will then blacklist the user and inform them of the blacklisting.

Sect.11 – Undermining a Staff Member’s Authority or Pretending to be Staff

If a user has been found to be impersonating an admin, either claiming to have the role or pretending to be a specific admin as outlined in sect.11, the user will be permanently banned from that platform. A user cannot appeal this ban if the evidence is presented for review. Any appeals relating to this rule will be rejected.

/ban user Impersonating Admin


Users have the right to appeal a punishment issued against them unless a punishment states that it is non-appealable, in accordance with our policy. You can appeal through the appropriate designated channels. To do so, simply open a support ticket under the relevant service. If you are wishing to make a complaint about an admin, use the Complaints ticket option to open a ticket with the Head Administration Team through Discord. You can join our discord here.

Last updated on 03/11/2022

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