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Project 007 – Clip Submission

Published by Only1tyler on October 31, 2020 at 10:45 am.


Project 007 is Area 51s NEW community submitted montage videos.

Whether you’ve achieved a blood rushing clutch or a one-off miracle kill, why not submit the clip(s)? Not only could you be featured in our montage videos, you may be in with the chance of winning* Area 51 VIP or maybe something a little more. (Rewards will go live soon)

Also introducing the new @007 role for our Discord. To gain this role all you have to do is submit at minimum 2 videos per month. You will gain access to the new #007-chat where you will get key insights and the ability to input on future montages along side all others who share this role.
Your votes also have double weight!

Recent Videos: (click the buttons to expand the video player)

Submit Your Clip

Clip Name Format:Clip Number-Discord Name/#”.

E.g. “01-Name#0000” + “02-Name#0000” + “03-Name#0000” etc..
(Please do not forget your Name#0000 at the end)
If you are uploading multiple clips, please save all clips into a .RAR file.(So your clips don’t get lost – WinRAR Download Link)
Please rename the .RAR file to match your Discord name and # before uploading.

Maximum File Upload Size: 1GB. Accepted upload files: .RAR/.MP4

By participating you agree to Area51’s Terms of Service and Code of Conduct.
*By claiming the VIP prize, you are agreeing to the VIP Terms and Conditions.
All rewards are subject to Terms & Conditions.

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